About Us

About Us

Bijal is a Independent Pharmacist Prescriber with over 25 years experience. She is qualified to issue a private prescription after a full clinical assessment, history taking and understanding your needs. She works within her areas of competences. Therefore, saving a GP appointment if possible.

She provides long term health conditions management within minor illness issues, contraceptions, diabetes management, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporesis, elderly care, minor ailments, major injuries, clinical medication reviews, structured medication reviews, blood interpretations and any advice regarding medicine.

Bijal is also highly trained in telephone triage for General Practice and COVID 19

She is able provide her consultations via video or telephone and provide a treatment which suits you. This could include over the counter products, medications or possibly a prescription strength medication if required.. Fully registered with GPHC. She has over 22 years experience in the medical and holistic field, have worked very closely with Consultants, Doctors, Nurses and other Allied Professionals in the UK.

With her various skills she works with patients to assist them to manage their long term health conditions.

Bijal Sharma

BPharmS(HONS) MRPharmsS IPresc

Consultant Pharmacist Prescriber with a special interest in menopause, hormonal imbalances, eczema, acne, rosacea, melasma, hyperpigmentation, and menopausal skin. She obtained her prescribing qualification in 2014, which allows her to write prescriptions and assess patients

She is qualified in the management of long-term health conditions, hormonal imbalances, menopause, women’s health, acne, eczema, and minor illnesses.

Bijal holds a diploma in analytical psychotherapy with hypnotherapy, a victim of child abuse therapies, and clinical kinesiology including nutritional supplements, homeopathy, and herbal remedies

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